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Term and Conditions and Privacy Policy
9 months ago

Privacy Policy:

The following privacy policy outlines how your data is used on our website.

Basic non-identifiable information about your user on the website is collected; the majority of which is provided during registration, such as email addresses and usernames.
In addition to this, IP addresses for registered users are stored within the system to aid with moderation duties. This includes spam prevention, and detecting alternative accounts.

Accounts can be deleted by a site administrator upon request, which will remove all data relating to your user from our system.

Cookies are used to store small pieces of non-identifiable inf...

General Server Rules
9 months ago

Chat Rules:

1. Do not insult...

Faction Rules!
9 months ago

Cheating And Glitching

Cheating, Glitching, Abusing bugs, or using external clients/devices to gain an unfair advantage is not allowed, and can result in up to a Permanent ban depending on the severity of the situation. A list of unfair mods is described below.


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